Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Movienizer 1.9 Has Been Released!

Movienizer 1.9 has been released!
[!] Report builder has been added.
[!] Plugins support for transferring data from other catalog programs
into Movienizer.
[+] Recognition of technical parameters for .mkv and other file types.
[+] Additional fields: awards, file size, video bitrate, video codec,
added/modified/watched date.
[+] Sorting the movie list by title, release year, added date, disc
number, rating.
[+] Movies/people are shown with their rating on the right.
[+] Capability of re-scanning technical parameters of a file/DVD.
[+] Length of short descriptions (synopses) can be adjusted.
[+] New scripts for Italian, Dutch and German online databases.
[*] Title recognition for adding movies from files improved.
[*] Scripts for some sites updated.
[-] Minor bug fixes.